Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Post 9: This Week in Science (Fruit Flies Part 2)

          What I Did this week in science was graphed about how many babies the fruit flies could have in 3 weeks. We also put the spider in the tank. Then we gave the spider fruit flies to eat.  We gave the fruit flies " FlieNap " so they could go to sleep so we could be able to take them out the jar. You had to leave the FlieNap for 4 mins so the fruit flies could fall asleep.
       What I Learn this week in science was that a female fruit fly can have 20 babies each day.  That the male fruit flies has a dark bottom and the female has a lighter bottom.In 3 weeks a female fruit flies could make 420 babies.

                     If I put 2 males and 1 female fruit flies in a vial for 3 weeks .. Then I Expect to obesrve how many 420 adults because a felame gives 20 eggs a day

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