Monday, February 14, 2011

This Week in Science

What we did on this unit were we set up or frbloggin, and did our post about frogs. We had to write about how we feel about a frog and have we every did any thing to a frog. Then we had to write a few things in our notebook about frogs. Then we dissected the frog. When we dissected the frog we had to tell the parts of a frog and what where inside of the frog. While dissecting the we had to take pictures of what we were doing. Then the last day of dissecting a frog we had to take the frog organs out and put them on a worksheet that where labeled parts of a frog organs. 
I Learned that frogs have baby eggs in there stomach, and these baby eggs are so small that they can hold a lot of eggs in there stomach. I also Learned that female frogs are bigger than male frogs. When females frog are pregnant they get even bigger. I also learned that the fat bodies help them store food. I Think they have very small hearts. 

This Picture shows how the frog look when its dead. I Choose this picture because i want every one to see how the frog looks before we dissect it.
This picture shows how the inside of the frog and what it looks like.  I Choose this picture because it seem very interesting to me.

This Pictures shows the frogs egg.  I Choose this picture so people who never saw a frog's egg they could see how what it look likes.
This Picture shows the fat bodies in a frog. I Choose this picture because its a very good close up picture. 
This Picture shows the frog fat bodies, heart and baby egg's. I Choose this picture because you got to see inside of the frog very well.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

First Impressions

My impressions about this frog blog was that it seem cool because you are making a new website and because you are dissecting a frog. When I First saw a frog I though it was very cool and nasty because when frogs are about to eat they have a bubble under there throat. Also When I saw a frog I though it was creepy. My first experince with a frog was when I open a bathroom door and saw a frog on the floor staring at me. Then he make a bubble to open his mouth and his tongue came out and then I ran.