Monday, March 28, 2011

This Week in Science (Carrying Capacity and Relationships)

What I did this week in science was I played a game, and take notes on Carrying Capacity. I Had to make a graph on what the OH DEER Habitat Result turned out to be. I had to write about the Carrying Capcity and how it's related to the Limiting factors.

    What I Learned this week in Science ... was alot. I Learned
 How to play the game OH DEER ! . And I learned how to graph the data that I had. I Learned how limiting factors could affect the Carrying Capacity. I learned that the less food avaliable the more the deer's increase.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

This Week in Science: Energy Transfer

What I did this week in Science was to take notes about vocabulary words. I had to draw a food chain and pyrmaid. I Had to finish my fantasy habitat. I did Biome and Abiotic Chart. I did research of my Animal.

I Learned How to do a food chain. Also I learned how to do Energy Pyramids. I Learned that food chains show what animals eat. I learned that a producer is an organism (living thing) that makes its own food by getting energy from the Sun. I learned that consumers are organisms that eat other organisms. I also learned that there are different kinds of consumers. A primary consumer gets its energy from the producers. A secondary consumer is and organism that gets it energy from the primary consumers. Also A Tertiay Consumer is and organism that gets it energy from the secondary consumer.

Monday, March 7, 2011

My Fantasy Habitat

What I Did this Week in Science Class was To look up an Animal that I Like. When I found the Animal I had to research it. I Research the Abiotic and Biotic things about the Animals.Then Draw the Habitat and the Animal.

I Learned about A Jack Rabbit and where they live and what they do. I Learned that they live in A Desert. They eat dry fruit, and Carrots. The Biotic are Snakes, spiders, and Lizard. Many Animals live underground for much of the day they adapt to the Heat by hiding underground and rocks,